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Local Groups Accepting Donations To Aid Ky. Tornado Victims

Several group and organizations in Logan are collecting supplies and donations for victims of the tornados that ravaged western Kentucky.

Family Resources Network Director Keith White is heading up the effort that is a cooperation between the Kiwanis, Lions and Rotary Clubs.

Drop off points have been designated at Chapmanville, Logan and Man high schools.

“Whatever you can get,” White told WVOW News. “I know it’s right after Christmas, but people are in need. Hopefully, we can show we have a Logan County spirit to help people in need.”

A tornado track touched down December twenty-first and devastated around 200 miles of the Bluegrass State including the town of Mayfield .

The tornado aid effort is collecting such donations like water, cleaning supplies, and clothing as well as tools like shovels and rakes.

White says the drop off locations will be available through this Friday.


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