Board members did not approve a re-entry plan for Logan County Schools during a regular session meeting of the Logan County Board of Education Tuesday evening.
Schools Superintendent Patricia Lucas asked the board to table discussion and action on school re-entry plans until Thursday’s special session meeting. Lucas cited changes from Governor Justice’s office earlier this week and potentially more changes coming after the state board of education meeting in Charleston Wednesday morning. The state board will meet virtually Wednesday morning at 11 o'clock.
A motion to table action on school re-entry was approved unanimously.
The Governor suggested Monday he may change the county alert map again in advance of schools returning.
Justice said he may expand the orange category and therefore raise the threshold of what constitutes a red county.
Moreover, Justice set the date of Tuesday, January 19th for elementary and middle school students to return to classroom instruction five days a week no matter a county’s color.
High Schools will still operate depending on the county’s color on the alert map released daily by the W.Va. Department of Health and Human Resources.