The West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources updated their online dashboard Monday morning. The update is the first from the department since just before Thanksgiving.
The state DHHR reported 3,105 additional infections of COVID-19 Monday.
The new cases have accumulated since the Department’s last update on Wednesday, November 24.
Twenty additional deaths were reported and since the onset of the outbreak, a total of 4,837 Mountain State residents have succumbed to COVID-19.
The DHHR reports a daily positivity rate of 13.10%.
Hospitalizations are up with 566 patients statewide. There are 182 patients in intensive care units and 104 of those patients require ventilators.
West Virginia has 5,991 active cases of COVID-19.
The latest county alert map published daily by the DHHR has 18 counties in the red zone.
The map measures the severity of community spread within each county. Red indicates the most severe spread of coronavirus in the state. Red counties include Logan, Boone, Lincoln and Mingo.

The second most severe category is orange. A total of 25 counties are in the orange zone including Wayne and McDowell
Sixcounties are gold.
Wyoming is yellow along with three other counties.
Two counties are green.
Fully vaccinated West Virginians account for 63.7% of the eligible population to receive vaccines. Ages five and older are eligible to vaccinated.
Approximately 60% of residents have received at least one shot.