Secretary of State Mac Warner announced 41 West Virginia high schools registered 85 to 100 percent of their eligible senior class to vote during the 2019-2020 school year, qualifying them for the Jennings Randolph Award.
Among those winners are:
Boone County
Scott High School*
Sherman High School
Van High School*
(Scott and Van registered 100 percent of their voting-eligible students.)
Logan County
Logan High School
Mingo County
Mingo Central High School
Tug Valley High School
Wyoming County
Westside High School
Celebrating its 26th year, the Jennings Randolph Award program is an effort by the Secretary of State’s office working with county clerks to encourage students to discuss the importance of civic engagement and to register to vote. The Award is named for the late U.S. Senator Jennings Randolph, a West Virginia native, who sponsored the 26th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which reduced the voting age from 21 to 18. It took Randolph 29 years to get Congress to pass the Amendment and to send it to the states for ratification.
