Austin Workman withdrew his name from the Logan County Board of Education ballot for this May’s Primary.
Workman, who has ran for the board in the last two elections in 2018 and 2020, quietly filed paperwork through a third party Monday to be removed from consideration for a position on the local school board.
Workman said in a statement to WVOW News he simply doesn’t live in the correct district to run.
“As some of you may know,” Workman said, “the districts were recently changed by the Logan County Commission. My new residence isn’t in the qualifying district.”
Workman said his decision was based on being honest and transparent with the voters.
Eddison Eddie Adkins has also voluntarily withdrew from the Logan County Democratic Executive Committee race.
Two candidacies for the Logan County Republican Executive Committee have been challenged because the candidates are not Republicans. One candidate is affiliated with the Democratic Party and the other candidate has no party affiliation.
Neither candidate is eligible to serve on the committee even if they win election.
If the candidates do not withdraw from the ballot, a three person panel including the Logan County Clerk and a representative from the Republican and Democratic parites will convene to determine if the candidates will be on the ballot this May.
This isn't the first time ineligible candidates have been on the ballot. Jimmy Porter filed for the BOE in the last Primary Election, but was ineligible to serve due to his residence being in a district without an open seat to run.
"There's a flaw in the system," Porter told WVOW News. "You can file but you can not serve. You can get all the votes. You can not serve. You're out of district, a legal tax payer and you can file. You can not serve."
The Primary Election is May tenth.