Logan County Sheriff’s deputies are investigating a possible child abduction attempt from Tuesday evening.
According to a Facebook post from the Logan County Sheriff's Office, deputies were dispatched to a home on Eden Alley in Whitman where a woman came to the home, claimed to be a CPS worker and then attempted to take a child from the victim.
The woman is described as being around 5 feet 6 and weighing about 250 pounds. She is described as having brown hair that was pulled up on her head, wearing a blue dress shirt, boot-cut blue jeans, dress shoes and brown glasses.
The woman made the victim take a drug test and examined the child.
Once the victim noticed the suspect had no vehicle or paperwork, she removed the child back into her physical custody and called 911.
Deputies immediately contacted CPS in Logan and surrounding counties to verify if a CPS worker would have been sent to this residence, none of the CPS agencies reported a case worker being sent to that location nor did they have a reported case on the victim.
A canvas of the neighborhood was made and potential witnesses were interviewed.
Deputies have been going through that area and the surrounding areas attempting to locate any homes or businesses that may have security camera footage of the female matching that description.
The Sheriff’s Office is asking anyone who may have any information regarding the identity of this female, or may have video footage of the female to please contact their at 304-792-8590 during regular business hours, or dispatch after business hours at 304-752-7662. You can also call the Anonymous Tip Line at 304-792-8593.
Sheriff Sonya M. Dingess Porter wants to remind everyone that all CPS workers are required to wear their credentials on them identifying them as a CPS worker.
Sheriff Porter and Logan CPS Supervisor Christa Kovach advised that a court order must be present to remove a child from the home. In almost all cases law enforcement is to be present when this occurs. Both Porter and Kovach stated do not let anyone in your home if they do not show you their state credentials as being a CPS worker. If you are uncertain, please contact 911 or your local CPS office to verifying the CPS workers identify when law enforcement is not present.
