President Joe Biden signed a federal disaster declaration for counties damaged by flooding between February 27 and March 4.
The Declaration is for Kanawha, Cabell, Mingo and Wayne counties.
The White House has now signed two declarations. Another declaration was for damaged that resulted from ice storms in February for Cabell, Lincoln, Mingo and Putnam counties.
The ice storm declaration was for public assistance only not individual assistance.
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) said Friday individual grants will cover things like temporary housing, home repairs and low-interest loans in the new declaration.
The new declaration includes both individual and public assistance. The original declaration only covered public assistance.
Governments will also be reimbursed for the cost of flood response.
Residents and business owners an apply for assistance online at disasterassistance.gov calling 1-800-621-FEMA(3362).