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Community members raise concerns over the trash along roadsides

Logan County resident David Stapleton (right) asks the Logan County Commission to hire him to lead roadside trash pickup efforts and Reverend Michael Pollard pressures commissioners to act. Chapmanville Mayor Joel McNeely and commissioners agree that the timing isn't right for the fiscal year.

Robert Fields | WVOW News

LOGAN As weather begins to warm up, West Virginia expects the number of tourists in the state to be on the rise. At Monday’s meeting of the Logan County Commission, that became a notable issue as members of the community raised concerns about the trash dotting the sides of the county’s roads.

Logan County resident David Stapleton told commissioners on Monday that he wants a job. He said he owns a two-ton dump truck and is asking the county commission to pay him to make routes and clean up the county’s roads.

"Should I expect contact from either of you or maybe a letter or something to let me know if I’m able to get my foot in the door," Stapleton asked commisioners. "I feel fully capable that I can manage a system whereby put together by me because I have been known to hire people, and of course fire them, you know, but I’ve had some good workers. Not everybody’s going to be the big worker."

Commissioners acknowledged the trash problem as an issue Logan Lounty has had for many years, but told Stapleton that there wasn’t a position in place at this time.

Reverend Michael Pollard supported Stapleton’s proposal, saying that the county commission needs to act sooner rather than later. According to Pollard, “it’s not that complicated.”

“What’s the big deal of not starting the program; doing something? Spring is coming, garbage everywhere, tourists coming to your place and our place. Why not get somebody out there and pay them a salary?”

Pollard cited West Virginia’s Courtesy Patrol which has individuals driving the state’s highways and, according to, assists over 9,000 people annually with a range of roadside issues.

“What I’m saying is we need a litter patrol.”

Chapmanville mayor Joel Mcneely spoke on the issue, agreeing that the trash problem has been persistent. However, according to Mcneely, it’s not an issue that can be resolved by one person. Moreover, with the end of the fiscal year drawing near, Mcneely says it’s too late to pour funding into an entirely new program.

“We need a department. One person? Nah. Twenty people? Maybe might get a handle on things. That’s something you (commissioners) have been after. Where’s the funds? It’s not in your budget at this time and, knowing how a budget has to be, you can’t just in the middle of a budget year, well nearing the end of a budget year say, ‘let’s create a job!’ No. Maybe next budget year we can look at something like that.”

The next meeting for the Logan County Commission is set for March eighteenth.



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