
Democratic nominee to the Logan County Commission this fall has called things quits
Ralph Rodighiero withdrew his name from the Logan County Commission race on Tuesday, August sixteenth. According to Logan County Clerk’s Office, Rodighiero withdrew from the race on the last day to do so.
According to Rodighiero, he wrestled with the decision for months. Ultimately, he concluded victory in the contest is impossible.
“There is so much negativity with politics these days,” Rodighiero said.
The former delegate in Logan County said the negativity has cost him friends. Moreover, Rodighiero said many people support him but won’t vote for him because he is registered Democratic.
“The writing is on the wall,” Rodighiero told WVOW News. “Why go into something that’s going to be an uphill battle to even have a chance to win. I chose not to.”
Rodigherio served a cumulative decade in the West Virginia House of Delegates. He won the Democratic nomination over political new-comer Bill Copley with over fifty percent of the vote in May.
According to WV Code 3-5-19 (a) (6), If a vacancy in nomination is caused by the timely filing of a notarized statement of withdrawal, according to section eleven of this article, of a candidate whose name would otherwise appear on the general election ballot, a replacement on the general election ballot may be appointed by the executive committee and certified to the proper filing officer no later than 78 days before the general election.
The Logan County Democratic Executive Committee has until Monday, August 22 to appoint a candidate to run this November against Republican Billy Jack Dickerson.
Rodigherio says the committee will most likely not appoint anyone to the race.
“It’s probably a wasted effort,” Rodighiero said. “Why put a candidate through the struggle and obstacles that I went through and I refuse to go through now?”
Election Day is Tuesday, November eighth.